Kivalliq Hydro-Fibre Link

Saving millions on diesel. Drastically reducing emissions. Connecting the north and creating multi-generational socio-economic benefits.

The Kivalliq Hydro-Fibre Link will do all of these things and more. It will span 1,200 kms, from Manitoba’s grid into the Kivalliq region of Nunavut, directly benefiting the communities of Arviat, Baker Lake, Chesterfield Inlet, Rankin Inlet and Whale Cove.

The project will ensure these communities can get off diesel generation, and heat, light and connect their homes and businesses with clean, renewable power and reliable Internet. It will also allow current and future mining operations to thrive.

Nunavut is Canada’s largest territory and does not have electricity infrastructure connecting it to the rest of Canada. Connecting the Arctic to the grid will unlock future renewable energy generation in the North that in turn can be shared with southern Canada and contribute to reaching our 2030, 2050 climate and electrification targets. It will also protect Canada’s sovereignty in the high Arctic.

Sustainable growth.
Unlocked potential.
A revolutionary new connection.

Project Specifications

0 MW

transboundary transmission infrastructure connecting Manitoba’s renewable grid to Nunavut

0 Sites

off of diesel, including two mines and five communities, enabling sustainable future growth in the region

0 Kms

Linear project

0 + Years

Expected life

0 Gb/s

of fibre optic bandwidth capacity

Good for the people

  • Equity: Out of all the Canadian provinces and territories, Nunavut is one of the last remaining jurisdictions that isn’t grid-connected to the rest of the country. Yet, it is by far Canada’s largest territory. Northern communities deserve to share in the same economic opportunities and services as other parts of the country.
  • Reconciliation: This project will advance reconciliation as a 100% Inuit-led project with equity investment and ownership.
  • Nation building: Connecting the region for the very first time, investing in energy security for the region and protecting our national sovereignty in the Arctic.

“The KIA has long held a vision for the region to have infrastructure links to southern Canada. The time is now to make this happen. This project is Inuit-led, will bring numerous economic opportunities for Nunavummiut and will dramatically improve public service delivery for sectors such as health and education – all while providing energy security and fighting climate change.”

— Kono Tattuinee, President, Kivalliq Inuit Association

Good for the environment

Contributing to Nunavut’s and Canada’s climate targets the Kivalliq Hydro-Fibre Link alone will meet Nunavut’s 2030 GHG emissions reduction target

“The Kivalliq Hydro-Fibre Link is always top-of-mind as a key northern infrastructure priority. […] The Government is well-positioned to deliver on its ambitious climate agenda and to build on the momentum that the Kivalliq Hydro-Fibre Link project has made to date. I would like to congratulate the Kivalliq Inuit Association and Nukik Corporation on the progress that has been made on the Kivalliq Hydro-Fibre Link project this year. I was pleased to learn that key partnerships to further advance the project are being established, and that an agreement has been reached with the Canada Infrastructure Bank to support the early stages of project development.”

— Honourable Dan Vandal, Federal Minister of Northern Affairs (2022)

Good for the economy

The KHFL will be the catalyst of generational socio-economic opportunities for the region

  • 13,650 person-years of employment from construction
  • Training opportunities for Inuit youth
  • Unlock the extraordinary vastly untapped mineral potential that exists in the region, including critical minerals required for Canada’s energy transition
  • Estimated revenues over 50 years: $8 + billion
  • $3 billion contribution to GDP during construction alone
  • Support the region’s mining sector which currently generates more than $100 million in tax revenue annually

“Inuit have unique rights, interests, and experiences. Today’s endorsement of the Inuit Nunangat Policy is the culmination of years of collaboration and will help ensure Inuit priorities and self-determination are part of the government’s programs, policies, and initiatives going forward. This is an important step on the long journey toward reconciliation and we will continue to work together to deliver lasting and meaningful solutions to the issues facing communities across Inuit Nunangat.”

—The Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada April 21st, 2022






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