About Nukik

Nukik Corporation was formed to harness and lead major infrastructure projects in the Kivalliq region of Nunavut. Its main focus at this time is the Kivalliq Hydro-Fibre Link, a nation-building, first-of-its-kind power and fibre-optic project coming to Nunavut from Manitoba.

Mission Statement

An Inuit-led corporation creating economic growth through the development of reliable and sustainable infrastructure and connecting the Kivalliq region to the rest of Canada.


Growth and success for Nunavummiut, living our core values in a clean, sustainable and connected environment for future generations.

“The KIA has long held a vision for the region to have infrastructure links to southern Canada. The time is now to make this happen. The project is Inuit-led, will bring numerous economic opportunities for Nunavummiut and will dramatically improve public service for sectors such as health and education – all while providing energy security and fighting climate change.”

— Kono Tattuinee, President Kivalliq Inuit Association

Board of Directors

Nukik has a strong Inuk board to ensure Inuit values are incorporated into the project.  Board members are:

  • Dino Bruce (Chairperson)
  • Kono Tattuinee
  • David Kakuktinniq
  • Solomon Nakoolak
  • Jason Gibbons

The Team

David Kakuktinniq

Anne-Raphaëlle Audouin

Darcy Quinn

Jonathan Pameolik

Christina Blouw


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